Open Access
J Oral Med Oral Surg
Volume 30, Number 2, 2024
Article Number E2
Number of page(s) 1
Published online 16 October 2024

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games concluded with a lavish ceremony, passing the torch to the city of Los Angeles. In another, more discreet instance, the torch of editor-in-chief of JOMOS was passed at the beginning of 2024.

This editorial will be an opportunity to recall the history of our journal through the individuals who have carried it with a shared philosophy: the development of oral medicine and surgery.

The first issue of the journal Médecine Buccale et Chirurgie Buccale (MBCB) was published almost 30 years ago, in September 1995. At the time, the editor-in-chief, Professor Benoit Lefevre, wrote, “The dissemination of international publications in English is often limited to university and hospital structures. It is therefore quite paradoxical to note that high-quality scientific work, conducted by French-speaking authors and published in English-language journals, remains insufficiently disseminated, or even ignored, in French-speaking countries!” [1]. Thanks to Professor Lefevre's commitment and the work of the authors, the journal has fulfilled its role as a medium for disseminating knowledge in the specialty within the French-speaking world, albeit with an erratic number of issues published.

In January 2004, the torch of editor-in-chief of the journal was handed over to Professor J. Samson. The journal then experienced significant growth. In an editorial published in May 2014, I wrote, “Jacky carried the journal forward with his pen for 10 years. He published 16 editorials, 43 articles, and corrected all the publications in the journal. Throughout this period, he served as editor-in-chief. His perseverance and dedication to the journal enabled, first, regular publications and, later, a cruising speed of 4 issues per year since 2005. Subsequently, it was decided to align the journal with uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, with a view towards more visible indexing.” [2].

It was in 2012 that J. Samson asked me to assist him in the role of editor-in-chief of the MBCB journal, which led me to succeed him in 2014, along with Professor P. Lesclous. Like our predecessors, we assumed this task for 10 years. These 10 years have been an opportunity for a profound transformation of the journal to meet the editorial requirements of a modern scientific journal and to gain visibility. 2017 was a pivotal year with the transition from publication in French to English and the disappearance of the print journal in favor of a unique electronic version in open access. This transition allowed us to gain visibility and internationalize the journal. In 2018, to align with the English language, our journal MBCB changed its name to JOMOS.

In 2023, JOMOS achieved: 223 submitted articles from 34 different countries, 38 published articles representing 221 pages, indexing in 16 databases including Scopus, and 472,387 full-text downloads. While JOMOS's international visibility is indisputable, there remains one more step to achieve: Medline indexing. I wish to conclude this editorial by thanking Professor Lesclous for his unwavering commitment to our journal. We formed a solid duo to successfully carry out our part in the journal's evolution. Like our predecessors, we have served as editors-in-chief for about ten years. To avoid wear, we have decided to pass the torch to Professors A.G. Chaux and S. Catros, who, we have no doubt, will in turn advance the journal towards Medline indexing.


  1. Lefevre B. Editorial. Med Buccale Chir Buccale 1995;1:1–2. [Google Scholar]
  2. Fricain JC. Merci Jacky. Med Buccale Chir Buccale 2014;20:73–74. [CrossRef] [EDP Sciences] [Google Scholar]

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