Open Access
Table I
Studies included in the literature review.
Case and year | Age/gender | Comorbidity | Malignancy (Cancer type) | Medication At Time of presentation | Previous medication | Initial symptoms and examination | Localisation | Treatment |
Pennings et al. (2023) [3] | 44 yo / F | None | Hodgkin lymphoma, Nodular sclerosis subtype, Metastatic |
Pembrolizumab, GVD | Doxorubicin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, Dacarbazine (2017 to 2021) |
Pain, Dental mobility, Swelling |
Mandible Right lingual area : Torus | Chlorexhidine rinse + oral hygiene, Bone smoothening, Sequestrotomy |
Decaux et al. (2020) [4] | 28 yo / F | None | Metastatic melanoma (stage IIIB) | Pembrolizumab, Epadocast | Interferon (2014 to 2015) | Pain, bleeding, Swelling, slight inflammation |
Maxilla : posterior right side | Antibiotherapy, root canal treatment, chlorexhidine + hydrogen peroxide rinse, sequestrotomy + tooth extraction |
Patel et al. (2023) [5] | 73 yo / M | Asthma, Hypertension, Gastro-esophageal reflux, Smoker |
Melanoma (stage 3) | Pembrolizumab, Losartan, Amlodipine, Omeprazole, Ventolin, Tadalafil |
Pain, Bone exposure | Mandible right lingual area : Torus | Oral hygiene | |
Myoken et al. (2020) [6] | 69 yo / F | Not available | Metastatic NSCLC (stage IVB) | Pembrolizumab + Denosumab | Pain, swelling, bleeding, purulent discharge |
Mandible : posterior left side | Antibiotherapy, Local injection of minocylcine + hydrochloride, teeth extraction Sequestrotomy / surgical curettage, nasolabial flap reconstruction |
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