Open Access
Table I
Overview of the performance features of GALILEOS Sirona comforts unit.
Imaging volume | 15.4 cm spherical imaging volume collimated 15 cm × 8.5 cm (UJ/lJ) |
3D resolution: isotropic voxel size | 0.25/0.125 mm |
Scan time/exposure time | 14 s/2–6 s |
X-ray generator | |
KV | 98 |
MA | 3–6 |
Effective dose | 16–90 µSv (Ludlow) |
(ICR P 2007) | Standard: 75 µSv |
minimum space need (depth × width × height) | 1.600 mm × 1.600 mm × 2.250 mm |
Patient positioning | Standing/seated chin rest/bite block for head support and head fixation |
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