Issue |
Med Buccale Chir Buccale
Volume 23, Number 2, Juin 2017
Page(s) | 103 - 110 | |
Section | Note technique / Technical note | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 08 September 2017 |
Tooth replantation: an update
1 Postgraduate student; restorative dentistry
and endodontics; dental surgery department University Hospital Sahloul Sousse, Tunisia
2 Postgraduate student; oral medicine and
oral surgery; dental surgery department University Hospital Sahloul,
3 Professor; dental surgery department University
Hospital Sahloul Sousse, Tunisia
4 Professor; restorative dentistry and endodontics;
head of dental surgery department University Hospital Sahloul Sousse, Tunisia
* Correspondence: Marouane Omar,
Received: 4 December 2015
Accepted: 30 October 2016
Introduction: Intentional replantation is a recognized endodontic procedure in cases in which root canal and surgical endodontic treatments are not recommended. Although not frequently used, intentional replantation is a treatment option that dentists should consider. Three keys point should be keep in mind to ensure the success of replantation procedure. To overcome any complications, the surgical procedure have to be rigorous, the extra-alveolar time properly managed, and the splint adapted. In the other hand, the knowing of the indications and the advantages is advocated for the success of this procedure. Conclusion: When standard protocols of intentional replantation are followed, clinical and radiological success is expected. From this point of view, intentional replantation should be considered as a viable therapeutic and not as a procedure of last resort
Key words: Tooth Replantation / periodontal ligament / periodontal splints
© Les auteurs, 2017
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