Open Access
Table III
Summary table by lesion studied. (Number of articles concluding to the given signal/total number of articles).
Conventional MRI | Diffusion MRI | ||||
T1 | T2 | T1+C | Apparent diffusion coefficient (103mm2/s) | Diffusion | |
Radicular cyst | Hyposignal Homogeneous (4/5) |
Hypersignal Homogeneous (5/5) |
Thin rim-enhancement No enhancement of the cystic lumen |
0.9–1.82 | Variable (depends on the content of lesion) |
Apical granuloma | Hyposignal Inhomogenous (1/3) |
Hyposignal Heterogenous (2/3) |
Thicker rim enhancement compared to RC No enhancement of the cystic lumen |
Dentigerous Cyst | Widely variable signal | Hypersignal Homogeneous (7/7) |
Thin rim-enhancement No enhancement of the cystic lumen |
1.23–2.15 | Variable (depends on the content of lesion) |
Odontogenic keratocyst | Widely variable signal | Hypersignal Heterogenous (7/10) |
Thin rim-enhancement No enhancement of the cystic lumen |
0.85–1.58 | Restricted |
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor | Hyposignal (1/2) | Slight hight signal Heterogenous (2/2) |
Small size: enhancement of the whole lesion Large size: inhomogeneous enhancement |
Simple bone cyst | Hypo-isosignal (4/4) | Hypersignal (4/4) | Thin rim-enhancement | 2.52–2.74 | Free |
Nasopalatine duct cyst | Hypersignal (2/2) | Hypersignal (2/2) | 2.28–2.34 | Free | |
Unicystic ameloblastoma | Isosignal (4/6) | Hypersignal (6/6) | Thick rim-enhancement Characteristic enhancement of an intraluminal nodule attached to the lining *No enhancement of the lumen |
Free | |
Conventional ameloblastoma | Widely variable signal | Cystic portions: bright hypersignal (7/8) Solid portions: moderate hypersignal (5/8) |
*Enhancement of the margins of cystic portions. *Homogenous Enhancement of solid portions. |
Cystic portions: 1.94–2.84 Solid portions: 1.04–1.39 |
Cystic portions: Free Solid portions: restricted |
Odontogenic Myxoma | Low-intermediate signal Inhomogenous (2/3) |
Hypersignal Inhomogenous (2/3) (Mixture of myxoid portions and collagenous portions. |
*Inhomogeneous enhancement: only enhancement of collagenous portions. | 2.091 | Free |
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