Open Access
Table II
List of items included in the review.
Title | Author | Year | Studied lesion | Studied sequences | |
1 | Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the characterization of odontogenic cysts and tumors | Vanagundi R, et al. [11] | 2020 | –Odontogenic keratocyst (17) – Unicystic ameloblastoma (5) – Dentigerous cyst (5) |
T1 T2 T1 FS STIR Diffusion |
2 | Desmoplastic ameloblastoma of the jaw: CT and MR imaging findings | Baba A, et al.[16] | 2020 | Conventional ameloblastoma (6) | T1 T2 T1FS+C |
3 | Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in odontogenic keratocysts: preliminary study on usefulness of apparent diffusion coefficient maps for characterization of normal structures and lesions | Ogura I et al. [17] | 2019 | – Radicular cysts (3) – Odontogenic keratocyst 5) – Nasopalatine duct cyst (3) – Dentigerous cyst (4) – Simple bone cyst (1) |
T1 T2 STIR Diffusion |
4 | Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in oral and maxillofacial lesions: preliminary study on diagnostic ability of apparent diffusion coefficient maps | Oda T, et al. [18] | 2018 | Odontogenic keratocyst (4) Nasopalatine duct cyst (2) |
T1 T2 Diffusion |
5 | Differentiation of periapical granulomas and cysts by using dental MRI: a pilot study | Juerchott A, et al. [19] | 2018 | Radicular cysts (5) Apical granulomas (6) |
T1 T2 T1FS T2FS T1FS+C |
6 | Differential diagnosis between a granuloma and radicular cyst: effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging |
Lizio G, et al. [20] | 2018 | Radicular cysts and apical granuloma (34) | T1FS+C |
7 | Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of unicystic odontogenic tumors for differentiation of unicystic ameloblastomas from keratocystic odontogenic tumors | Han Y, et al. [21] | 2018 | Unicystic ameloblastoma (11) Odontogenic keratocyst (15) Conventional ameloblastoma (11) Dentigerous cyst (3) |
T1 T2 T1FS+C T2FS Diffusion |
8 | Characterization of apical bone lesions: Comparison of MRI and CBCT with histological findings − a case series | Geibel MA et al. [22] | 2017 | Radicular cysts (13) Apical granuloma (2) |
T1 T2 |
9 | Imaging characteristics of ameloblastomas and diagnostic value of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in a series of 26 patients | Apajalahti S, et al. [23] | 2015 | Conventional Ameloblastoma (5) | T1 T2 T1FS+C |
10 | Magnetic resonance imaging: a useful tool to distinguish between keratocystic odontogenic tumours and odontogenic cysts |
Probst FA, et al. [24] | 2014 | Odontogenic Keratocyst (10) Odontogenic cysts (10) |
11 | The imaging characteristics of odontogenic myxoma and a comparison of three different imaging modalities | Kheir E, et al. [25] | 2013 | Odontogenic myxoma (10) | T1 T2 T1FS+C |
12 | Diagnostic value of MRI for odontogenic tumors | Fujita M, et al. [26] | 2013 | Conventional Ameloblastoma (26) Odontogenic keratocyst (14) Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (3) Odontogenic myxoma (4) Odontogenic fibroma (2) |
13 | The use of high resolution magnetic resonance on 3.0-T system in the diagnosis and surgical planning of intraosseous lesions of the jaws: preliminary results of a retrospective study | Cassetta M, et al. [27] | 2012 | Dentigerous cyst (8) Unicystic ameloblastoma (1) Conventional amelobastoma (1) |
T1 T2 T1+C T2FS |
14 | Diffusion-weighted imaging in the evaluation of odontogenic cysts and tumors | Srinivasan K, et al. [28] | 2012 | Conventional ameloblastoma (10) Odontogenic keratocyst (5) Dentigerous cyst (2) Odontogenic myxoma (3) |
T1 T2 Diffusion |
15 | Apparent diffusion coefficient-based differentiation of cystic lesions of the mandible | Eida S, et al. [29] | 2012 | Simple Bone Cyst (4) Ameloblastoma (5) Dentigerous cyst (9) Odontogenic keratocyst (5) Radicular cyst (4) |
T1 T2FS T1+C Diffusion |
16 | Diagnostic value of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for unilocular cystic-type ameloblastomas with homogeneously bright high signal intensity on T2-weighted or STIR MR images | Hisatomi M, et al. [30] | 2011 | Conventional amelobastoma (9) Unicystic ameloblastoma (3) |
17 | Usefulness of MRI and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for differential diagnosis of simple bone cysts from true cysts in the jaw | Yanagi Y, et al. [31] | 2010 | Simple bone cyst (10) | T1 T2 DCE-MRI |
18 | Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of ameloblastomas and keratocystic odontogenic tumors: differentiation by apparent diffusion coefficients of cystic lesions |
Sumi M, et al. [32] | 2008 | Conventional ameloblastoma (9) Odontogenic keratocyst (7) |
T1 T2 T1FS Diffusion |
19 | Usefulness of contrast enhanced MRI in the diagnosis of unicystic ameloblastoma | Konouchi H, et al. [33] | 2006 | Unicystic ameloblastoma (3) Conventional ameloblastoma (4) Odontogenic keratocyst (4) Dentigerous cyst (3) |
T1 T2 T1FS+C |
20 | Assessment of ameloblastomas using MRI and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI | Asaumi J, et al. [34] | 2005 | Conventional amelobastoma (6) Unicystic ameloblastoma (2) |
T1 T2 T1FS+C |
21 | Assessment of MRI and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in the differential diagnosis of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor | Asaumi J, et al. [35] | 2004 | Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (3) | T1 T2 T1FS+C |
22 | MR imaging of epithelial cysts of the oral and maxillofacial region | Hisatomi M, et al. [36] | 2003 | Odontogenic Keratocyst (7) Dentigerous cyst (3) Radicular cyst (10) Nasopalatine duct cyst (4) |
T1 T2 T1FS+C |
23 | MR imaging in the assessment of a solitary bone cyst | Matsuzaki M, et al. [37] | 2003 | Simple bone cyst (9) | T1 T2FS DCE-MRI T1+C |
24 | Simple bone cyst: A discrepancy between magnetic resonance imaging and surgical observations | Eriksson L, et al. [38] | 2001 | Simple bone cyst (7) | T1 T2 Diffusion |
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