Open Access

Table IV

Clinical and radiological features of keratinized odontogenic cysts [1,2,7].

  Clinical features Radiological features
Odontogenic keratocyst 3rd most frequent cyst of the jaws. Strong predilection for posterior mandibular area. Recurrence rate is 20 to 30%. Syndromic cases are generally multiple and occur at a young age Unilocular or multilocular well-defined radiolucency, sometimes associated with an unerupted tooth. The potential growth of these lesions may cause large cyst and bone destruction (Fig. 4B and C)
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst Strong predilection for posterior mandibular area, sometimes associated with a non-erupted tooth. Recurrence are rare (< 5%). No association with Gorlin syndrome. Unilocular well-defined radiolucency, mostly associated with an impacted tooth. Multilocular cases are rare (Fig. 4A)
Gingival cyst of the newborn Multiple small white nodules on edentulous alveolar ridge occuring in 90% of the neonates (< 3 months) Absence of radiological manifestations

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