Open Access
Table IV
Data extraction describing type of study, population, intervention, control and outcomes.
Sr. no. | Study, year, country | Study design | Population | Inclusion and exclusion criteria | Intervention | Control/comparator group | Outcome |
1 | Somia Iqtadar, Masooma Hashmat, et al., 2022, Pakistan [13] |
Retrospective study | 7 patients were included Mean age-53±10years Gender : Males- 4 Females −3 |
All the patients had confirmed COVID-19 infection and typical symptoms of ROCM at the time of admission and biopsy-proven mucormycosis | Group 1: 3 patients underwent surgical debridement with antifungal therapy with Amphotericin B + Posaconazole |
Group 2: 4 patients underwent surgical debridement with antifungal therapy with only Amphotericin B |
1 patient from Group 2 died. The remaining 6 patients in the study survived. |
2 | Kyvernitakis, Torres, et al., USA, 2016 [10] |
Retrospective study | 106 patients were included Mean age −19 to 79 yrs Males − 69 Females- 40 |
Patients were eligible for inclusion if they met the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group Consensus Group definition for invasive mucormycosis infection. Patients were excluded if they were younger than 18 years old, had solid tumours, had possible mucormycosis, had a mixed fungal infection or died within 3 days of treatment initiation | Group 1: 7 patients received Posaconazole single drug therapy, 59 patients received combination of liposomal Amphotericin B + Posaconazole |
Group 2: 40 patients received Liposomal Amphotericin B monotherapy |
13% with monotherapy versus 15% with combination treatment died within 6 weeks |
3 | Jon Salmanton-Garcı́a, Danila Seidel, et al. Germany, 2019 [11] |
Prospective case-control study | 79 patients were included Mean age- not mentioned Gender − not mentioned |
Patients with biopsy proven maxillary mucormycosis were included. | Group 1: 5 patients received Posaconazole monotherapy, 18 patients received Amphotericin B + Posaconazole combination therapy |
Group 2: 56 patients received Amphotericin B monotherapy |
24 patients of Group 2 died and 6 patients of Group 1 died |
4 | Skiada, Pagano, et al., Greece, 2011 [14] |
Retrospective case-control study | 230 cases were included in the study. The median age of the patients was 50 years. 60% of the patients were of male gender. |
The Working Group on Zygomycosis of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) prospectively collected cases of proven zygomycosis in 13 European countries occurring between 2005 and 2007. | Group 1: 17 patients received Posaconazole monotherapy, 48 patients received Amphotericin B + Posaconazole combination therapy |
Group 2: 90 patients received Amphotericin B monotherapy |
19 patients in Group 1 died and 32 patients in Group 2 died. |
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