Table II
Methods and protocols for PC preparations.
Platelet concentrates | Preparation |
PRP [7] | PRP Method: Blood collected in sterile tubes containing anti-coagulant. First Spin: ‘Soft Spin’, After separation of erythrocytes, Second Spin: ‘Hard Spin’, PRP should be separated from platelet poor plasma (PPP). Buffy Coat Method: Blood should be collected and stored at 20−24°C First Spin: High Speed PPP formed at the top should be removed and buffy coat layer (WBC and Platelets) should be transferred into another tube. Second Spin: Low speed to separate WBC's |
L-PRF or S-PRF [12] | 2700 rpm for 12 min |
A-PRF [12] | 1500 rpm for 14 min |
A-PRF + [10] | 1300 rpm for 8 min |
i-PRF [13] | 700 rpm for 3 min |
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